Thursday, October 31, 2019

Service operations and manufacturing operation Essay

Service operations and manufacturing operation - Essay Example This is to create a basis for comparison. For the article, it is evident that the service operation system has higher capabilities than the manufacturing operations system because of its structural functionalities. The system has the capability to relate with the customer on healthy grounds; it is also able to markets its services, as there are direct relationships with the consumers. On the other hand, there is an analysis on the deficiencies of the manufacturing system. There is also a discussion on the benefits behind the integration of the two systems. From the discussion relating to the difference, it is evident that, there will be an improvement in supervision, operations, and the cost of production. Introduction Service, manufacturing, and agriculture are the key economic activities in any economy. In most of the developed nations, services and manufacturing sectors of the economy constitute around 75% of the Gross Domestic Product. However, in the recent decades the growth and development is as a result of these sectors of the economy. For the last ten years, it is evident that the service sector in the economy has steadily increased from 40% to 53%. This is in reference to the world’s economy. Growth of sectors such as the IT sector is the key factors leading to the admirable change. If we refer to the history of economics, it is evident that exceedingly few governments had a taxing system to charge the service industry.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Germany and the European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Germany and the European Union - Essay Example As mentioned above, EU embraces international trade at a larger extent. Germany would benefit from this as it would the other countries in the integration. As a matter of facts, Germany can be looked at as a blessing to these other countries (Schweiger 12). This country is prosperous and has a strong economic productivity (Janning, Thus, there is a lot that it brings on the table to the benefit of EU. For instance, it has a pool of quality products and up-to-date technology that is available at reduced or no tariffs to other nations in the integration. As would be like with any other symbiotic relationship, Germany is set to gain a lot from other nations as well. She would trade buying goods and services from other EU Nations. This will make the EU self-sufficient continent whereby all Member countries benefit (Janning, As much as it is crucial for Europe to grow strong politically, it is obvious that economic dynamism brought about by integration as well as the attractiveness of the market to have played a bigger role as a driving force that prompted other European Nations to accede (Schweiger 16). Germany European Policy has supported the integration process and the establishment of institutions relevant to prosperity of the integration (Schweiger 22). In addition, Germany foreign policy ensures that her relations with other countries are aligned to EU policy (Janning, In conclusion, Germany undoubtedly desires a Europe that has the ability of acting, transparent and democratic, one that has a strengthened European Parliament and certainly that has clearly defined

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Success Or Failure Of The Euro Currency Economics Essay

Success Or Failure Of The Euro Currency Economics Essay Chapter 1: Introduction: When the European Union was founded in 1957 their initial endeavor was to establish a common market. However they found this idea not taking shape as their financial objectives didnt seem to prosper due to lack of a common c. In 1992, the Maastricht Treaty paved the way for a single c for the EU. Its been a decade since euro had been floated into the international markets. With its introduction in the rush for globalization saw many gains for euro in terms of increase in cross-border capital, trade, and outsourcing, securities and foreign exchange markets turnover as well as in cross-border asset holdings. The decade even saw a huge mounting up of foreign reserves due to growing current account imbalances. With euro taking the role of an international c, there had been drastic changes in the international markets with portfolios being shifted from dollar-denominated to euro-denominated which had led to depreciation in dollar. Moreover Bank of Chinas opinion to support stronger currencies had added to the dollar depreciation. Research aim: The main aim of the research is to understand the sustainability of euro based on financial, economic and political factors. With the euro combining various markets into a single European market, consumer welfare has improved. This had led to convergence of money and capital markets through increased competition, market liquidity and transparency in operation with economies of scale and scope. Euro has gained the potential of risk diversification and more efficient allocation of capital resources. Elimination of exchange rate risk has increased price transparency, thereby reducing transaction costs and boosting competition in international markets. Research objective: The primary intention is to analyze if the future of euro is moving towards success or failure given the social, economic and political factors. While the euro c as well as its policy framework has attributed to stability and prosperity in euro area, the global crisis identified the necessity to strengthen European economic governance as a remedy against future challenges. Euro has gained importance in global markets by allowing global public and private investors to diversify their asset allocation and borrowers to find other sources of funding. Proper and timely actions by the European Financial stability Facility had helped a great extent in safeguarding euro so far. With the European Stability Mechanism being activated till June 2013, financial stability of the euro area is expected to be in full transparency so as to revive in times of financial distress. Research questions: Will the size of the economy help in sustaining the euro stability? Will focus on international trade help in stabilizing? Based on the size, depth, liquidity and openness of the domestic financial markets, can the euro be stabilized? Is the euro stable enough to ensure easy convertibility of its c? Can macroeconomics play a vital role in preserving euro stability? Significance of the study: The study aims to implicate the following: Need for further economic amalgamation so as to tackle problems in times of crisis. Need for a banking union thereby giving control to European Central Bank (ECB) to oversee all euro-zone banks in one step process. Government efforts are needed in order to devise economic and fiscal outline which are essential to the euro c. Efforts are also needed from financial market participants and supervisors, given that the maintenance of the financial market stability plays a crucial role for monetary and macroeconomic stability. Research objectives: The main objective of this report is to assess the success or failure of implementing a unified c, being the Euro c. Examining this topic yields a look into the viability of having a uniform c across a region with similar economic and political attributes. When the idea of a single c was first suggested, doubts raised as to the credibility of the governance as each member states had different political heads. With the single c, however all these political heads would be combined as one governing body to govern all member states. However in a region with similar economic and political attributes, the idea seemed successful with the formation of EU which consisted of European Council to manage course of actions and to suggest new laws; the European parliament to discuss on and endorse laws suggested by the council finally the European Commission with personnel to accomplish the laws. The EU helped a great deal in providing effective governance in the Euro-zone which helped European economy overtake US economy in 2009 with a trade of $14.5 trillion against US trade of $14.3 trillion, thereby accounting to 40% of the worlds economic power. Further, researching the different factors and aspects of what makes a c succeed or fail in meeting its set objectives shall provide insight into understanding the dynamics of the relationship between members of the EU. The vital factors that help judge the efficacy of a c are the size of the economy, political stability, and role in international trade, transparency and openness in domestic markets, easy convertibility to cash and impact of macroeconomics in preserving euro. Relationship between EU members had been strengthened after the launch of euro. Thats because almost 17 of the 27 member states have approved euro. It has also paved the way for a single monetary council to govern the functioning of euro throughout the euro-zone. Moreover cross border trade had increased which was mainly due to creation of single c which cuts transaction costs. Transparency had also been maintained with the euro in domestic markets without price fluctuations. Tourism had also increased with the launching of euro, as tourists didnt have to keep changing their currencies when travelling around the euro-zone. This way Euro ensured easy convertibility of cash. Finally member countries which were financially rich in EU were used to backup poorer economies in EU, thereby ensuring financial stability whenever any of the macroeconomic components triggered a threat to EU. It was this backup which helped euro from failing to a greater extent when the 2008 crisis broke out. The report also provides ground for analyzing the advantages of poorer EU member states adopting the Euro c. This will check the economic drive that can occur from having a monetary union between countries with varying economic statures. The advantages of poorer economies joining the euro can be said to be both an advantage as well as a disadvantage. Its an advantage as even if they fail to repay bills owing to crisis, with the help of EMU they would get help from the richer economies in EU to repay the bills. Disadvantage can be attributed to the fact that salaries may be lesser in less productive areas when compared to salaries of employees in higher production areas. This advantage is due to the fact that all of these employees are now paid in Euros. So indirectly it can pose a threat as the standard of living may vary from place to place, but the salaries remain the same, thereby generating problems in getting even basic daily household things. For example, we may consider the following example between Greece and Germany. Item 2000 2010 Greek German Greek German Number of cups made an hour 5 5 10 20 Employee wage per hour 5 drachma 5 euro 10 euro 12 euro Cost of making a cup 1 drachma 1 euro 1 euro 0.60 euro The above example gives an insight as to more production at lower price thereby encouraging more demand gaining big. However Greece seems to be losing the race. The report also will touch on the aftermath of failures in the Euro, if any, and the remedial measures that can be adopted in case of such failures. This also gives indication to other regions that may want to adopt the strategies used by the Euro while avoiding the negative aspects of the Euro example. There is a perception in euro that it is working only in favour of France and Germany, but the real fact is these countries have achieved little in terms of bargaining success. Even if they had been doing well, ii happens that in times of debt by other EU countries, such rich countries will have to take the burden of clearing unpaid bills, thereby making it impossible for such countries to decide on their infrastructure plans. Moreover in the aftermath of 2008 crisis, TARGET 2 set for the purpose of clearing euro combined all imbalances between banks in the euro-zone. However this failed to meet its objective right from 2007 till 2011, there was an increase in the capital from weaker countries. When the entire euro-zone was undergoing crisis, Germany was doing relatively well, thereby showing diversification in thoughts in terms of social and political issues. In order to prevent failing of euro, policies have to be effectively modified in such a way that there is a win-win situation between both the financially rich and poorer countries, thereby ensuring equal competition. In times of crisis, EU member states can increase inflation rates for a while thereby ensuring their economic growth steady enough to get away from rising debts. However these two can be achieved only with political integration by all EU member states. Having a monetary union and examining its performance is an example set by the Euro. In case of a failure of the c, the report will try to highlight the possibility of discontinuing the circulation of the unified c and reverting to each countrys earlier adopted c. This success can be attributed to ECB cutting down the interest rates 3 times in 2012, thereby lowering borrowing costs creating confidence among investors in euro market that a euro-breakup would not be imminent. In short to say, collapse of the euro is not bound to happen soon, however the stability of euro is unclear in the future. Data collection method: The first hand data will be gathered by distributing questionnaires and analyzing the results. The questionnaires shall be distributed on three banks in the Kingdom of Bahrain which deal with the euro c. The secondary data has been taken from European commission website on inflation in the Euro area from 1960s to 2000s, fiscal position of the euro area in 1992, 1998 and 2007, mean intra-Euro-area correlation between Gross Domestic Product and Industrial Production, two indicators namely the number of years with negative gap sum of negative gaps as a percentage of GDP, macroeconomic performance indicators. Sample selection and selection criteria: The sample chosen are the employees of three banks in Bahrain who invest and deal with euro c. The banks are: Arcapita GFH Gulf Finance House ABC Arab Banking Corporation Survey methodology: The methodology involved analyzing the parameters for significance with the datas obtained from first hand and second hand data which are the survey and other previously published material. The magnitude of a countrys financial system is very vital to decide on its prospective use in the global markets. The global trade and magnitude of a countrys financial markets are related to the economic size. For instance, if we consider the export output between Korea and US, the former accounts for a much greater contribution. However as the US economy is 14 times larger than the Korean thereby making it embrace a much larger share in the world exports. The share of a country in international trade, the size and economy as well as the openness in financial markets forms determinants for demand of that countrys c in global markets. Chapter 2: Literature reviews: Some believe that Euro has failed to perform the required needs or reach the final destination of welfare for all. Instead it has become burden. Others believe that Euro has resulted in bringing a unity among the European nations which helped them to fight out the Economic depression seen in the last decade. The convertibility of a currency also forms a major determinant for demand of that currency, because unless there are less restrictions money is exchanged smoothly thereby ensuring increase in demand of currency. For example after World War II, most of the countries except US restricted their convertibility of currency thereby making US dollar readily available in markets increasing dollar demand. Following table gives a justification to the above determinants: Parameters United States Euro-area Japan Share of world GDP (%) 21.9 15.8 7.6 Share of world exports (%) 15.3 19.4 9.3 Financial markets ($ billions) 40,543.8 24,133.4 20,888.5 Bank assets ($ billions) 7,555.3 12,731.3 6,662.5 Domestic debt securities outstanding ($ billions) 15.426.3 5,521.9 6,444.9 Stock market capitalization ($ billions) 17,562.2 5,880.2 7,781.4 Following are some more factors that help to support and strengthen the study: 2.1 Macroeconomic level: Price stability and low-cost borrowing by European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) helped ensure macroeconomic stability in Europe. Euro helped put an end to changes in exchange rates within Europe owing to changes from outside Europe. The following graph shows improvement in inflation performance thereby leading to sharp decline in price volatility. 2.2. distinction of the strength of the currencies Similar lines of reasoning can be found in Magee and Rao (1980). They make a distinction between strong and weak currencies according to low and high inflation currencies. The intuition behind this being that in trade between low inflation industrial and high inflation developing countries, the low inflation currency of the industrial country dominates. Also, for trade in primary products a vehicle currency might be optimal. The importance of the choice between different currencies came back into the economic discussion when major exchange rates became flexible after the breakdown of Breton Woods in 1973. Viaene and de Vries (1992) take strategic bargaining considerations into account and introduce a forward market. In their model, exporters and importers bargain over the invoicing currency. Both are assumed to prefer their own currency, respectively. Viaene and de Vries find that the dominance of the exporters currency  can be due either to the first mover advantage of the exporting firm or to the monopoly power of the exporter who is more likely to have bargaining power as the firm faces a wide spread demand and not many competitors. 2.3 Currency risk Summing up the early literature, the main findings are that traders seek to avoid currency  risk by using their own currency and that, in trade between industrialized countries exporters are in general more likely to be able to avoid the currency risk.   When currencies are free to fluctuate there is, however, not only the issue of price uncertainty but also  demand uncertainty. 2.4 Invoicing currency: Donnenfeld and Zilcha (1991) present a first formal model in which a firms choice of invoicing currency is analyzed. They are also among the first to develop a model on the Microeconomic level in which the firm optimizes its profits. The main finding of Donnenfeld and Zilcha is that LCP is optimal for the exporting firm if the total revenue curve is concave in the foreign price. This is the case when the sensitivity of demand with respect to prices is not much higher the higher the price level. That is, if the price is set in producer currency and increases (in foreign currency) due to an appreciation of the exporting firms currency, profits will fall because demand will be reduced by more than the increase in profits due to the higher price received. In the case of depreciation, demand is not extended enough to compensate for the lower price the exporting firm receives, because demand is less sensitive to the price at the lower price level. If this is the case, higher variability in foreign prices, which comes with higher volatility in the exchange rate under PCP, lowers expected profits. Thus, under these conditions, high exchange rate volatility would lead the exporting firm to choose LCP.   2.5 Currency Market: Friberg (1997) extends the literature by including into the model a forward currency  market and the possibility to set prices in a third currency: vehicle currency  pricing (VCP). As in Donnenfeld and Zilcha the choice of the optimal currency setting is closely linked to the price elasticity of foreign demand. The second best currency pricing strategy depends on the relative exchange rate volatilities. If the exchange rate towards the vehicle currency exhibits low volatility compared to the bilateral exchange rate of the exporter and importer, VCP is preferred and vice versa.   Now, even under LCP the demand for the firms product is uncertain because the competitors might not price in local currency. In such a case fixing the relative price of the competing products can be important to the exporters so they might choose a common vehicle currency. This finding of choosing the currency  of the competitor is also common to a number of other studies. 2.6 Pricing Strategy: In particular, Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2002) use a NOEM model to analyze the optimal pricing strategy of exporters.  In a very elaborate general equilibrium framework that also takes into account exchange rate dependent costs they derive similar conclusions to those of Donnenfeld and Zilcha. 2.7 demand sensitivity of costs and price The driving factors for exporters to care about their relative prices are the demand sensitivity of costs and the price sensitivity of demand. It can be said that the higher the product differentiation, the lower the price sensitivity of demand. Exporters will, thus, prefer to invoice in their own currency if their products are highly differentiated, while they will pay attention to holding their relative prices constant if their products are less differentiated. This does not mean that less differentiated products are always invoiced in LCP, however. 2.8 market share of the exporting country in the foreign market Bacchetta and van Wincoop build into their model the market share of the exporting country in the foreign market that is, the share of the market that is accounted for by firms from a particular country or monetary area. Demand risk is minimized by invoicing in the currency that is most similar to the average invoicing currency chosen by competitors (Bacchetta and van Wincoop 2002, p. 15). For a monetary union, it is the market share of the entire currency union that matters and not the market share of an individual country. Exports of a monetary union are therefore more likely to be priced in producer currency, and imports to a monetary union more likely to be priced in local currency, because the monetary unions market share is more likely to be dominant. Goldberg and Tille (2005) call this behavior of choosing the currency of the competitor a herding effect. In their partial equilibrium three country model a dominant share of a currency other than the one of the exporter or the importer can make vehicle currency pricing the optimal choice. This herding effect takes place for industries with homogeneous goods where producers aim at keeping their prices relative to the competitors stable. Goldberg (2005) elaborates on this model by including a covariance between marginal cost and exchange rates. There is then also a hedging motive to choose a currency so that the exchange rate is correlated in such a way to shocks to exporters costs that marginal costs are positively correlated with marginal revenue. 2.9 Two-country dynamic general equilibrium model The most elaborate model so far was introduced by Devereux, Engel and Storegaard (2003). Using a two-country dynamic general equilibrium model with sticky prices, these authors analyze the implications of endogenous exchange rate pass-through. Their results show that the degree of pass-through depends on the relative stability of monetary policy; countries with relatively low monetary volatility experience low rates of exchange rate pass- through. The reason is that firms in both countries have an incentive to set their prices in the currency of the country with the low monetary volatility.  As a consequence, the country with low monetary volatility is shielded against exchange rate movements.   2.10 The export pricing behavior Engel (2005) analyses the export pricing behavior of firms in a static model, both in an environment with flexible and with fixed prices. He shows that the choice between producer currency pricing and local currency  pricing is independent of the degree of sluggishness in price adjustment. Under flexible price adjustment, producer currency pricing is optimal if the variance of the export price in the firms own currency is less than the variance of the price in the local currency of the importer. The same holds in an environment of fixed prices.   Summing up the theoretical literature the most important finding is that the optimal pricing strategies are very sensitive to the set of assumptions. In particular, the level of risk aversion and the existence of forward markets to hedge exchange rate risks matter for the results. First and foremost, however, the sensitivity of foreign demand to prices matters, which can be approximated by the homogeneity or differentiation of the product. When demand is sensitive to prices the market share of the exporting country, or more specifically, the currency used by the competitors matters. When the optimal currency choice depends on the currency used by competitors, herding in the same currency is optimal. Also, currencies of countries with monetary stability are more likely to be chosen as invoicing currency. 2.11 The Failure of the Euro Martin Feldstein (2012). As the author mentioned, the euro now shall be known as an experiment that failed. This failure, since the euro was first introduced, in 1999, was not an accident or the result of bureaucratic mismanagement but rather the inevitable results of imposing a single currency on a very heterogeneous group of countries. The adverse economic consequences of the euro include the sovereign debt crises in many European countries, the breakable condition of major European banks, high levels of unemployment crosswise the euro-zone, and the large trade deficits which now block most euro-zone countries. The political goal of creating a harmonious Europe has failed too. France and Germany have dictated hurtful austerity actions in Greece and Italy as a state of their financial help. Paris and Berlin have clashed over the role of the European Central Bank (ECB)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹â€ and over how the burden of financial help will be shared. The early impetus that led to the European Monetary Union and the euro was political, not economic. European politicians rationalized that as the use of a common currency would instill in their publics a greater sense of belonging to a European community and that the shift of responsibility for monetary policy from national capitals to a single central bank in Frankfurt would signal a shift of political power. Michael Sivy (2011), as usually said big stories dont break, they ooze. The demise of the Euro is just such a story. Hence each time it oozes, U.S. stock markets drop. The collapse of the Euro, is now inevitable, in the authors view. When it happens, banks around the globe will be shaken and stock markets will plummet. Academics, journalists and even government officials have projected a set of schemes to save the Euro new European financial institutions, Eurobonds backed by all the countries collectively and even a United States of Europe. However it is clear that any such scheme to save the Euro would find little political support. The breakup will perhaps be extremely painful. Nevertheless, the alternatives may be even more unpalatable.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Important Discoveries in Chemistry Since the dawn of man, chemistry has been the tool used to fulfill our search for knowledge. A multitude of discoveries have changed the way use chemistry. These discoveries are being made every day and they change the way we see the universe. The following is a sample of important discoveries in chemistry. 1. Discovery of the Atom The idea that atoms make up matter has been around for centuries. However, it has only played a role in chemistry for the past 200 years, and the idea hasn’t taken off until the last 100 years. Ancient Greek philosopher, Demokritos, was one of the first to propose the idea that matter is made up of smaller units. He called these units, â€Å"atoms†. The word atom means unable to be divided. Demokritos also thought that the atoms moved through an infinite â€Å"empty†. Aristotle, however, believed the world contained continuous substances; his belief would be dominant for the time period. The atom would not be scientifically theorized until 1808 by John Dalton. His atomic theory states: All matter contains indivisible and indestructible particles called atoms. The atoms of any one element have the same mass and properties. Compounds are the result of the combination of different atoms. The rearrangement of atoms results in a chemical reaction. Today, nothing in chemistry would be the same without the idea of the atom. Not only is it the basic building block of all matter, but it is also the basic building block of almost all of our knowledge in chemistry. 2. Discovery of the Electron The electron was discovered by J.J. Thompson, a physics professor at Cambridge University. The discovery would be the result of Thompson’s experiments with cathode tubes used in electric and ... ...ial agent was at its greatest. The U.S. pushed industry to produce the penicillin mold. Towards the end of World War II, 650 billion units of penicillin were produced every month. 7. Discovery of Water in Martian Soil A more recent discovery might set the path to discovering life on another planet. Data collected by NASA’s Curiosity rover shows that Martian soil holds about 2% water. The rover’s â€Å"Sample Analysis at Mars† instrument heated a soil sample to 835 degrees Celsius. The resulting gases were oxygen, chlorine, and surprisingly, water vapor. Laurie Leshin of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute says that a cubic foot of the soil would yield a couple pints of water. From what we know so far, this water is drinkable. However, no one has worked out how to use the soil as a resource for water. One idea is to use a condenser to cool the water vapor into a liquid.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Return: Midnight Chapter 19

Bonnie decided, with seconds precious and seeming to stretch for hours, that what was going to happen was going to happen no matter what she did. And there was a matter of pride here. She knew that there were people who would laugh at that, but it was true. Despite Elena's new Powers, Bonnie was the one most used to confronting stark darkness. She was somehow alive after al that. And very soon she would not be. And the way she went was the only thing left up to her. She heard a glissando of screams and then she heard them come to a halt. Well, that was al she could do for the moment. Stop screaming. The choice was made. Bonnie would go out, unbroken, defiant – and silent. The moment she stopped shrieking Shinichi made a gesture and the ogre who had hold of her stopped carrying her to the window. She'd known it. He was a bul y. Bul ies wanted to hear that things hurt or that people were miserable. The ogre lifted her so her face was level with Shinichi's. â€Å"Excited about your one-way trip?† â€Å"Thril ed,†she said expressionlessly. Hey, she thought, I'm not so bad at this brave thing. But everything inside her was shaking at double time in order to make up for her stony face. Shinichi opened the window. â€Å"Stillthril ed?† Now that had done something, opening the window had. She was not going to be smashed against glass until she broke it with her face and went sailing through the jagged bits. There wasn't going to be pain until she hit the ground and nobody would know about that, not even her. Just do it and get it over with, Bonnie thought. The warm breeze from the window told her that this – place – this slave-sel ing place – where customers were al owed to sift through the slaves until they found just the right one – was too highly air-conditioned. I'l be warm, even if it's just for a second or so, she thought. When a door near them banged, Bonnie nearly jumped out of the ogre's arms, and when the door to their own room banged open, she nearly jumped through her own skin. You see? Something surged wildly through her. I'm saved! It only took a little of that brave stuff and now†¦ But it was Shinichi's sister, Misao. Misao, looking gravely il , her skin ashen, holding on to the door to hold herself up. The only thing about her that wasn't grayed-out was her bril iant black hair, tipped with scarlet at the ends, just like Shinichi's. â€Å"Wait!†she said to Shinichi. â€Å"You never even asked about – â€Å" â€Å"You think a little airhead like her would know? But have it your own way.†Shinichi seated Misao on the couch, rubbing her shoulders comfortingly. â€Å"I'l ask.† So she was the one inside the two-way mirror room, Bonnie thought. She looks real y bad. Like dying bad. â€Å"What happened to my sister's star bal ?†Shinichi demanded and then Bonnie saw how this thing formed a circle, with a beginning and an ending, and how, understanding this, she could die with true dignity. â€Å"It was my fault,†she said, with a faint smile as she remembered. â€Å"Or half of it was. Sage opened it up the first time to open the Gate back on Earth. And then†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She told them the story, as if it were one she'd never heard before, putting an emphasis on how it was she who had given Damon the clues to find Misao's star bal , and it was Damon who then had used it to enter the top level of the Dark Dimensions. â€Å"It's al a circle,†she explained. â€Å"What you do comes back to you.†Then despite herself, she started to giggle. In two strides, Shinichi was across the room and slapping her. She didn't know how many times he did it. The first was enough to make her gasp and stop her giggling. Afterward her cheeks felt as swol en as if she had a very painful case of the mumps, and her nose was bleeding. She kept trying to wipe it on her shoulder, but it wouldn't stop. At last Misao said, â€Å"Ugh. Unfasten her hands and give her a towel or something.† The ogres moved just as if Shinichi had given the order. Shinichi himself was now sitting beside Misao, talking to her softly, as if he were speaking to a baby or a beloved pet. But Misao's eyes, with their tiny flicker of fire in them, were clear and adult as she looked at Bonnie. â€Å"Where is my star bal now?†she asked with dreadful gray intensity. Bonnie, who was wiping her nose, feeling the bliss of not being handcuffed behind her back, wondered why she wasn't even trying to think of a lie. Like, let me free and I'l lead you to it. Then she remembered Shinichi and his damn kitsune telepathy. â€Å"How could I know?†she pointed out logical y. â€Å"I was just trying to pul Damon away from the Gate when we both fel in. It didn't come with us. As far as I know, it got kicked in the dust and al the liquid spil ed out.† Shinichi got up to hurt her again, but she was only tel ing the truth. Misao was already speaking. â€Å"We know that didn't happen because I am† – she had to pause to breathe – â€Å"Stillalive.† She turned her ashen, sunken face toward Shinichi and said, â€Å"You're right. She's useless now, and ful of information she shouldn't have. Throw her out.† An ogre picked Bonnie up, towel and al . Shinichi came around the other side. â€Å"Do you see what you've done to my sister? Do you see?† No more time now. Just a second to wonder if she real y was going to be brave or not. But what should she say to show she was brave? She opened her mouth, honestly not sure whether what was coming out was a scream or words. â€Å"She's going to look even worse when my friends are done with her,†she said, and saw in Misao's eyes that she'd hit her target. â€Å"Throw her out,†Shinichi shouted, livid with fury. And the ogre threw her out the window. Meredith was sitting with her parents, trying to figure out what was wrong. She had finished her errands in record time: getting enlarged versions of the writing on the front of the jars made; cal ing the Saitou family to find that they would al be home at noon. Then she had examined and numbered the individual blow-ups of each character in the pictures that Alaric had sent. The Saitous had been†¦tense. Meredith hadn't been surprised since Isobel had been a prime, if entirely innocent, carrier of the kitsune's deadly possessing malach. One of the worst casualties was Isobel's own steady boyfriend, Jim Bryce, who had gotten the malach from Caroline and spread it to Isobel without knowing what he was doing. He himself had been possessed by Shinichi's malach and had demonstrated al the hideous symptoms of Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome, eating away at his own lips and fingers, while poor Isobel had used dirty needles – sometimes the size of a child's knitting needles – to pierce herself in more than thirty places, besides forking her tongue with scissors. Isobel was out of the hospital and on the mend now. Still, Meredith was bewildered. She had gotten approval of the cards with enlarged, individual characters off the jars from the older Saitous – Obaasan (Isobel's grandmother) and Mrs. Saitou (Isobel's mother) – not without a good deal of argument in Japanese over each character. She was just getting into her car when Isobel had come running out of the house with a bag of Post-it Notes in her hand. â€Å"Mother did them – in case you needed,†she gasped in her new, soft, slurring voice. And Meredith had taken the notes from her grateful y, murmuring something awkward about repayment. â€Å"No, but – but may I have a look at the blow-ups?†Isobel had panted. Why was she panting so hard? Meredith wondered. Even if she'd run from the top floor al the way fol owing Meredith – that wouldn't account for it. Then Meredith remembered: Bonnie had said Isobel had a â€Å"jumpy†heart. â€Å"You see,†Isobel said with what looked like shame and a plea for understanding, â€Å"Obaasan is real y almost blind now – and it's been so long since Mother was in school†¦but I take Japanese classes right now.† Meredith was touched. Obviously, Isobel had felt it bad manners to contradict an adult when they were in earshot. But there, sitting in the car, Isobel had gone through every card with a blown-up character, writing a similar, but definitely different character on the back. It had taken twenty minutes. Meredith had been awed. â€Å"But how do you remember them al ? How do you ever write to each other?†she had blurted, after seeing the complicated symbols that differed only by a few lines. â€Å"With dictionaries,†Isobel had said, and had for the first time given a little laugh. â€Å"No, I'm serious – to write a very proper letter, say, don't you use Thesaurus and Spel Check and – â€Å" â€Å"I need those to write anything!†Meredith had laughed. It had been a nice moment, both of them smiling together, relaxed. No problems. Isobel's heart had seemed just fine. Then Isobel had hurried away and when she was gone Meredith was left staring at a round circle of moisture on the passenger seat. A tear. But why should Isobel be crying? Because it reminded her of the malach, or of Jim? Because it would take several plastic surgeries before her ears would have flesh on them again? No answer that Meredith could think of made sense. And she had to hurry to get to her own home – late. It was only then that Meredith was stricken by a fact. The Saitou family knew that Meredith, Matt, and Bonnie were friends. But none of them had asked about either Bonnie or Matt. Strange. If she had only known how much stranger her visit with her own family would be†¦

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

5 Stategies to Involve Parents

A suggestion box is an ideal tool for parents on the go. This gives parents the opportunity to be involved without cutting into their busy schedules. Also this benefits those parents whom like to anonymously suggest ideas about the service or certain activities. Having the box in an accessible place is important in order for every parent to know where it is and have immediate access. Putting in place some parent suggested ideas will continue to encourage parent involvement. Parent Read Along: A parent read along is a good way to include parents in an activity with the kids at the center while increasing child development. This is an activity that could take place once a month that encourages parents read a story to their child’s classroom. Having parents come read to children at story time will be a quick and efficient way to involve parents; preferably the story session day and time should meet the need of the parent. This in return lets the parents know that the center is dedicated to putting the child and family first. I believe this strategy would benefit the development of children because it encourages and promotes learning while reading in addition to parent involvement. Keep Parents Updated: Keeping parents informed of what takes place on a daily basis, upcoming events and how they can get involved is an open invitation. Finding additional creative ways of spreading the news rather than by word of mouth may be a little catchier. Having flyers, newsletters, or possibly sending emails may grasp the attention of the parent; being that technology is so dominate and people communicate via e-mail frequently. Going the extra mile shows that your daycare center encourages parental involvement. Bring Your Parent To Center Day: Having events that are centered on parental participation is another way to get parents involved. An event like bring your parent to Center day puts parents in the spotlight. The Parents Day event resembles that of show and tell. Parents can show off their skills while interacting with their child (ren) at the center. It would be good to have this type of event maybe once a month in order to give each child’s parent(s) an opportunity while providing varying days and times. Progress Meetings: Every parent should take interest in their child’s progress and achievements. A progress meeting encourages parental involvement. Progress meetings can be scheduled accordingly or spur of the moment. Scheduling meetings to best fit the need of the parent shows concern in the matter. Updating a parent of their child’s progress while they are signing them out counts as well. Making parents aware that their involvement with their child will likely have benefits for their child’s development also may produce more participation at the center. When other parents see parents getting involved they usually will too. This strategy as well contributes to the development of children because for one the parent is involved. Having parent involvement encourages children to push on and do well. Progress meetings helps acknowledge problem areas if any so that, if additional help is needed the parent is aware and will do as such.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Critical Analysis of Absolut Vodka Perfect Man Essay Example

Critical Analysis of Absolut Vodka Perfect Man Essay Example Critical Analysis of Absolut Vodka Perfect Man Essay Critical Analysis of Absolut Vodka Perfect Man Essay Everyday consumers are exposed to the Medals Ideology of what Is considered beautiful. In magazines we see attractive, happy people, with air-brushed perfect, flawless, bodies posing to sell a particular item or idea. Who is the media to say what constitutes as beauty and an attractive person? Why are certain attributes associated with attractiveness, beauty, likeability and social skills? We are force feed images and told what beauty Is and have thus formed our own ideas and opinions. However, are those ideas and opinion really ours or were we constructed by media to think and feel a particular way without even realizing It? It Is Important to examine messages rhetoric purpose and not be persuaded by the wrong messages. If not, consumers thoughts, actions, beliefs and feelings will be easily influenced. Absolute Vodka, a leading brand of premium vodka sold in 176 countries, constructed advertisements as part of its In an Absolute World 2007 campaign with images of situations that the target audience would think constitute a perfect or Absolute reality. Absolute Vodka marketing (2011) stated the target market Is men and women ages 25-45 who want to succeed in their life both personally and professionally. The brand equity is associated with fun, joy, self-esteem and social approval. In 2007, they crafted an advertisement called the perfect man which featured in Greek Ell magazine (admit, 2007). According to Ell magazine media kit (2014), the audience is women between the ages of 18-49. Their goal Is to inspire women In all aspects of their lives and encouraging readers to cultivate not Just personal style. But the success that comes with personal power. The advertisement. a perfect man is an image of a woman sitting on a rug, holding a manikin arm that has red flowers in its hand. The woman has adorned herself in a red necklace, shoes, let, bracelet and is not wearing a wedding ring. There is a box next to her with the words, The Perfect Man written on the front. In the box are legs of the manikin wearing black dress pants and shoes. On the floor next to the woman Is a male head wearing glasses and showing white teeth. An arm of the mailman on the floor has a black tattoo and Is holding a guitar. The torso of the manikin Is hairless and has a SIX- pack. The woman is looking at a white piece of paper with a puzzled look on her face. An important rhetorical scholar Cicero, divided rhetoric into five major categories called canons of rhetoric (Stoner Perkins, 2005). These categories describe the elements of rhetoric and give gulled lines for patterns of discourse. One of those categories Is style. Style Is developed through nonverbal devices as well as through language, (Stoner Perkins, 2005, p. 141 The perfect man advertisement uses nonverbal language to create a persuasive style using visual imagery and personification. Visual imagery creates the tone or feelings of the message and personification gives abstract or inanimate object human qualities or abilities (Stoner Perkins, 2005, p. 143). The eyes of viewers are captivated when they see an Image of a women sitting on he mannequin parts are that of a man since the box has the words the perfect man written on the front in black and red ink. The advertisement illustrates the woman attempting to put together a self-explanatory mannequin with each body part bei ng personified and representing a particular characteristic of the perfect man she is looking for. Since she is not wearing a wedding ring, we know she is a single young woman. Red symbolizes passionate love, seduction and romance (Tracy Bell, 2014, pig. 4), and the mannequin arm holding red roses is suggesting that he is romantic. The other hand of the mannequin is holding a guitar. According to a study published in Psychology of Music in July 2014, a woman is more likely to give her number to a guy holding a guitar case. It suggests that women associate musical talent with a genetic advantage and intellectual abilities, and that men who play guitar have sex appeal. Music induces a positive effect, and this positive effect primes receptivity to a courtship request, says Nicolas Eugene, study author and researches at the University of South Brittany in France. In representing the perfect man the mannequin is also wearing glasses. An article published in Journal of Applied Psychology of June 1944, research has shown that we do perceive people who wear glasses as more intelligent, industrious, honest and more dependable when compared to those who do not wear glasses. The legs in the box are wearing black dress pants and dress shoes. International Journal of Hospitality Management reported in July 2010 that professional attire is the most important attributes in shaping favorable perceptions. Research also suggests that dressing professionally Jacket and tie or suit and tie) has resulted in feelings, or being perceived as, trustworthy and intelligent. Plummeted Karl, 2007). Another factor of the perfect man is his white straight teeth. Teeth and smile determine facial attractiveness and eventually have an effect on the acceptability of a person in society. Moore (1985) showed that a smile is the most observed behavior by women and perceived as being more attractive than neutral ones. A smile is also an indication of generosity, cooperativeness and wins trustworthiness. There is also a correlation between the frequency of a smile and an extroverted, emotional stable, openness personality according to Open Journal of Scatology (2013). Have straight white teeth is considered attractive and there is a very strong correlation between rank on a scale of beauty and professional income. The mannequin also suggests that he is the perfect man because he has a tattoo on his arm. A tattoo has been proven to indicate early sexual initiation and more sexually active (Noiseless, 2012). Women fantasize about men who have a little bad side to them and are sexual. The woman is wearing red and a report showed that woman have a preference for wearing red clothing as a sexual signal to attract potential mates (Bell, 2014). Woman have been objectified in the media and have had their bodies enhanced, airbrushed and portrayed as perfect but in this advertisement, it is the man who is being objectified. The woman appears to be good looking and successful since the room she is in has a contemporary sophisticated feel and is in a high rise building. Even though she seems successful and self-accomplished, she still ordered the perfect man for companionship, emotional stability and to make her feel financially secure. She seems puzzled and confused reading the instructions of how to put together a The advertisement is used by tapping into real life situations of women feeling insecure and the stereotype that even with success, they wont be truly happy unless they have a male companionship. Absolute Vodka is trying to empower women to take control over their lives in the advertisement by having the woman have complete control over the man she ends up with and by objectifying the man as being given to her. The victim of this advertisement is women, men, and the reader. It is exploiting womans real life insecurities, objectifying men as if they are something that can be controlled and constructed, and forcing the reader to conform to the stereotype of hat the media constitutes as perfect, Absolute and attractive in society, and that even successful woman need a man to be truly happy. The idea of someone being perfect with only these qualities is sad and people should be accepted for their uniqueness and their personality rather than appearance. The advertisement catches the readers attention by the ironic situation of visual images and sarcastic, humorous tone. The quality of evidence presented does show the qualities of what is considered attractive and desirable to society in the mannequin but is showing an illogical scenario. Absolute 100 Super Premium Vodka. (n. D. ). Absolute Vodka Marketing. Retrieved August 3, 2014, from Absolute. Mom/en/products/Absolute-100/ ELL Media Kit. (n. D. ). ELL Media Kit. Retrieved August 2, 2014, from http:// www. Eliminating. Com/re/home. Asp Eugene, N. (2014). Mens music ability and attractiveness to women in a real-life courtship context. Psychology of Music, 42(4), 545-549. Moore, M. (1985). Non-verbal courtship patterns in women: context and consequences.. Ethnology and Sociobiology, 6, 237-247. Mikado, T. , Monsanto, T. , Condo, Y. , Kiddo, M. , Miramar, A. , Mask, C. , et al. 2013). Unelected of teeth on the smile and physical attractiveness. A new internet based assessing method. Open Journal of Scatology, 03(01), 52-57. Retrieved August 1, 2014, from the Scientific Research an Academic Publisher database. Noiseless, K. (2012). Tattoos, piercing, and sexual behaviors in young adults. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9(9), 2307-2314. (2011). Social meaning of identification attractiveness-an investigation into its effect and determinants. Indian Dental Journal, 12(2), 27-32. Stoner, M. , Perkins, S. (2005). Classical Approaches: Ancient Rhetoric. Making sense of messages: a radical apprenticeship in rhetorical criticism (up. 37-141). Boston: Houghton Muffling. Thornton, G. R. (1944). The effect of wearing glasses upon Judgments of personality traits of persons seen briefly.. Journal of Applied Psychology, 28(3), 203-207. (2012). What is professional attire today? A conjoint analysis of personal presentation attributes. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 937-943. admit. (n. D. ). ABSOLUTE VODKA ADS I A bsolute. Com. ABSOLUTE VODKA ADS I Absolutism IRS. Retrieved August 3, 2014, from Absolute. Common=782 PAP formatting by Bimbo. Org.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Rise of China

The Rise of China Abstract China’s swift rise in economic and political supremacy is considered among the most significant changes of the past three decades. The paper examines three research papers on China’s rise to political and economic dominance. The paper also scrutinizes research questions in each of the articles and establishes their validity.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Rise of China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper also explores role, limitation and interpretation of hypothesis testing in quantitative and qualitative research. Analysis from all the three research papers shows that China’s spiral growth and influence will continue and even surpass the United States. However, this will depend on China’s ability to manage both domestic and international challenges. Introduction Rapid rise in china’s political and economic strength in the last three decades has create d applause and uproar at the same time. The country’s vast population and territory had made it a potential powerhouse for centuries. However, China’s potential was not realised until the 1980s when they embarked on an ambitious program aimed at revitalizing its economy. While a section of the world has praised China for its rise in the global arena, others have grown sceptical of its methodologies of attaining global rise. In particular, the United States has been sceptical of china’s financial techniques utilized to manipulate the market (Altbach Wang, 2012). It is quite evident that China has been utilizing currency manipulation techniques to keep its economy afloat. This paper will utilize both qualitative and quantitative analysis to identify possible dangers of the fall of Chinese economy to the world. Moreover, the paper will explore the effects of China’s rise on the U.S. (Chellaney, 2012). Literature Review and Analysis China’s past treme ndous growth is currently facing huge upheavals as it tries to balance its economy. On the other hand, its economic turmoil is also affecting the global economy because of its large share in international market. In addition, China’s its political decisions have also attracted criticism from world powers like the EU and the US. The Rise of China and the Future of the West The article above talks about China’s economic and political rise as well as its effects on western powers (Ikenberry, 2008). The author introduces hypothesis on whether the liberal system will survive. The article describes extraordinary economic growth that has defined China for the past three decades. Moreover, it entrenches on the diplomatic influence China has gained since its growth started. However, the author brings in a number of research questions on effects of China’s dominance.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get yo ur first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, he asks whether China’s rise will bring about a new order or if China will join the existing order. According to the author, Western order is quite easy to join than to overturn. In essence, if China has to create a new order, then it has a huge obstacle to overcome. According to Ikenberry, the United States created a farsighted leadership that integrated newly sovereign with established powers. In addition, its leadership brought global membership together as well as creating universal institutions that brought market societies and global democracies together. The author establishes that it would be difficult for China to overturn the existing world order (Ikenberry, 2008). The author also reminds the United States that it has the mandate to define the environment in which China operates. Moreover, he alludes that the United States must strengthen institutions that underpin the western order. The article ou tlines that the United States should give China incentives for integration to increase western order’s chances of survival. Later on, he asserts that if the struggle is between China and the United States, the former will win but if the struggle is between China and the Western system, the latter will triumph. The author uses data to back up his assertions that China is rising at a dramatic pace. For instance, the article shows that China had more than one trillion dollars as foreign reserves by the end of 2006. Moreover, the country’s military spending had increased to 18% with its diplomatic reach extending beyond Asia to Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Additionally, the article articulates an important debate on China’s power since it is emerging as both an economical and a military power as opposed to Soviet Union, which only posed military opposition to the United States. With that, the article concurs that China’s rise poses a greater thr eat than that posed by the USSR. The article gives a conclusive review of the strengths of western order including its rules and norms, which have enabled it to gain dominance. OECD projections show that China’s PPP will surpass the United States’ PPP by 2025. However, the same modelling shows that China’s defence expenditure, as a percentage of GDP will not surpass that of the United States by 2030. The article concludes that the U.S. cannot stop china’s rise although it can define the environment that China operates. Research question is detailed to support research objectives as provided in the article (Ikenberry, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Rise of China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Rise of China and the Interests of the United States The article by Carl Minzner provides a comprehensive scrutiny of China’s global emergence and its effects on US i nterests. The article begins by reviewing the grinding Iraq war, which dominates the U.S politics. However, it goes right into context of the issue facing international politics, which is China’s steady rise. The author asserts that China’s growth is natural which conflicts most analysts views. It mentions the huge population of China at about 1.3 billion, which has experienced rapid growth over the past three decades. Moreover, the author claims that China’s expected rise would change the current geopolitical system that the United States has enjoyed for the past few decades. In fact, the author concurs that China’s dominance is not a matter of if but when, therefore, the United States should find ways of adapting to the expected global changes. Additionally, the article examines domestic issues that could derail china’s dominance. For instance, the article talks about the rising number of discontented rural farmers and migrants who could bring ab out revolution (Minzner, 2007). The author also concurs with other scholars that China is not seeking confrontation with the United States. Therefore, according to the article, the policies applied by the Chinese government regarding rapid growth, reduction of poverty among the poor and police controls are aimed at stopping potential revolution against the regime. However, the article also alludes to the existence of threat posed by China’s emergence to the United States. Tensions between the two states concern Taiwan and South China Sea but do not seem like direct military confrontation. The author views Chinese competition as a challenge and not a threat. Therefore, the article proposes that the U.S. gives China an active role in expanding existing institutions rather than isolate or intimidate it. Moreover, the article suggests that China should take an active role and responsibilities in shaping international crises like the ones in Sudan and North Korea. The article also stresses the need for the U.S. to strengthen international norms and institutions as well as deal with the world’s most populous nation in a bipartisan manner. The article provides a detailed description of research problem (Minzner, 2007). China’s Peaceful Rise in the 21st Century The article examines the conditions and challenges that would allow for peaceful rise of China. Moreover, the article explores whether china can achieve global dominance without war. The article begins by stressing China’s huge economic and military potential backed by a vast population and territory.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The article examines opportunities and challenges that face the world’s most populous nation in its quest to rise. In particular, the article divides conditions into two groups namely, domestic and international conditions. In the first part, the article looks at the relationship between China’s deep reform and perceived peaceful progress. Jintao’s concept of peaceful development has been the basis of China’s diplomatic policy. However, the article raises research question of whether China’s perceived peaceful development would work in the wide context of international and domestic development. The article also looks at the china’s regime stability, as well as political legitimacy. In addition, the article explores the country’s hybrid regime and peaceful development. In the second section, the article examines international conditions to China’s peaceful rise. In this section, the author looks at relationship between China-US military. Moreover, it examines the geopolitical system in central Asia (Guo, 2007). The article utilizes comprehensive literature to provide interpretation based on China’s new progress. Moreover, it examines China’s ability to achieve global dominance without provoking war, as was the case in Germany and Japan. Moreover, the article tries to answer research question of how China deals with potential provocations as witnessed in currency manipulations and diplomacy. The article provided a comprehensive review of the implications of China’s strategic choices with regard to diplomatic and economic influence. The article is therefore important in answering research question on china’s ability to achieve peaceful global dominance. Statistical techniques utilized in the articles provide both qualitative and quantitative analysis of china’s potential global dominance (Guo, 2007). Role of Statistics in Research Statistics plays an important role in condu cting of research. Statistics provides avenues for data collection, analysis and recommendation based on the outcomes. Moreover, statistics provides unique problem questions that lead to a choice of research steps and classification. Statistical hypothesis test is essential in empirical research of both quantitative and qualitative research analysis. However, statistical tests also have limitations. For instance, hypothesis test rarely applies literally. Moreover, the complexity of reasoning based on uncertain data sometimes lead to misunderstanding and wrong application of the statistical tests. Moreover, most of the tests are based on random variability that is based on assumptions thereby creating a possibility of error. During interpretations, one should be aware of potential causes of errors since wrong assumptions can result in invalid conclusions Conclusion Statistical methods play an important role in qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as other research methodolo gies. Statistical methods provide information, which are significant for analysis. Statistical hypothesis is the most commonly used statistical test in empirical research of social science. It evaluates data by contrasting null hypothesis with its alternative hypothesis. High values are considered to be for null hypothesis while low values are considered to be against null hypothesis. From the above articles, it can be noted that China’s rise is will continue although it will depend heavily on its approach to managing its domestic and international issues. In addition, The United states will have to accept the changes that arise from China’s emergence. However, the U.S. should ensure that China rises through accepted international standards defined by western order (Chen, 2012). Reference List Altbach, P., Wang, Q. (2012). Can China Keep Rising? Scientific American, 307(4), 46-47. Chellaney, B. (2012). Rising Powers, Rising Tensions: The Troubled China-India Relations hip. SAIS Review, 32(2), 99-108. Chen, G. (2012). The Art of Governance: Managing Rising Expectations. China Development and Governance, 22(1), 1-5. Guo, S. (2007). China’s â€Å"Peaceful Rise† in 21st Century: Domestic and International Conditions. The China Journal, 1(58), 228-230. Retrieved from Ikenberry, J. (2008). The Rise of China and the future of the West: Can the Liberal System Survive? Foreign affairs, 87(1), 23-37. Retrieved from Minzner, C. (2007). The Rise of China and the Interests of the U.S. The Ripon Forum, 41(2).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ad Evaluation

The focal point of this paper is to write a 3 page essay evaluating one commercial advertisement from a popular magazine and analyze it with an evaluation of its effectiveness in light of its purpose, paying particular attention to how well its various components work together to persuade. Jean Kilbourne makes an excellent point in her portrayal of advertisement and its appearance of violence and sexually predatory nature. Blatantly sexist, implied violence and the essence of fear or dominance would be inherent in advertisement of all descriptions from lingerie, to jeans all the way to peanut butter. Jean Kilbourne’s essay shows us how much we ignore in the world of advertisement, which simply exemplifies that which we ignore in life as a whole. Her portrayal of the difference between perceptions of men and women in the various ads, including such concepts as intimacy, violence and innocence would be such as to either cause alarm or to cause us to seriously examine the route advertisement is taking in the role of human behaviors. Human behavior is altered by stimuli outside the mind, but absorbed by that same mind. It is this absorption that must be considered when understanding the human psyche. Sexual advertisement has a tendency to increase violence done by men continuously exposed to the ads and the industry continues to use these sexual images for attention magnets. The biggest problem with this now would be the fact that now teenagers and children have become a target audience, resulting in addiction toward images and brands. Jean Kilbourne’s essay is quite an informative piece. It proves that what we see and what we get are obviously gender separate, and also can be either intimidating, or thought provoking dependent upon that gender. Most, if not all, advertisement can be considered mildly offensive, no matter the implied innocence. For example, Calvin Klein’s underwear ads spark outrage to this day and yet, regardless that they are only there for a few moments or weeks even, it is enough for people to go out and buy his underwear line. This, without realizing our own actions, simply feeds the desire to continue the outrageous behaviors displayed within the advertisements. A second example, both on the feminine and masculine side of intimidation, Diet Coke advertisements of Cindy Crawford in a very short skirt drinking a Diet Coke and being ogled by men and boys of all ages and on the other side of the coin, the sweat-coated construction worker ogled by the women in their office building as he drinks the soft drink. In Jean Kilbourne’s essay she states that â€Å"First, the industry spreads the sexual images using the media regardless of appropriate types of media. She cites Paris Hilton as prime example just in the year 2005. There are no doubts that Jean Kilbourne’s criticism of our efforts to put a halt to violence and even the innuendo of violence in both feminist movements and equality based ones, would in fact be direct and to the point in her understanding of what is acceptable, and what should hardly be. The affect of these ads on the younger minds alters the landscape in such a way that we would see it in the actions of younger and younger children. For instance, the rape of a six year old girl by an eight year old on the same bus while on their way home from school as she was held down by four other boys. There are many images that continue to testify to the belief that violence against women is acceptable, that sex, in the case of the woman, cannot be proven as rape because she is a woman. There is an advertisement, in the March 9, 2006 Rolling Stone magazine on pages five and six of a man pulling a woman’s jeans off on a beach. A blatant testament of dominant sexuality, and then add to that the advertisement on page nine of four pairs of women’s legs, showing off the shoes, or showing off the smooth legs? This is no doubt a blatant approach toward masculine attention. Rolling Stone is a very obvious method of exploitation, both masculine and feminine. An advertisement further in this issue proves that with a woman whose clothing shows the curvature of her bust quite blatantly and then a large white feather pointing directly toward the cleavage. She stands there with her lashes lowered and a bottle of Skyy Vodka with a glass in her hands. Fashion and the industry that supports it would be a blatant exposition utilizing many sexual images with both teenagers and adults, usually exposing too much of the torso in their advertisement, their shows and so forth. This would constitute a blatant reinforcement of the vulnerability of women, and now, even more so, of children. Jean Kilbourne has a very good point in her critical assessment of the world of advertising and its affect on both the masculine and feminine gender. Her critical assessment should be considered a wake up call for all in that we ignore the warning signs and exploit the danger in place of fighting against it. Thus, in her essay, she proved her theory quite sufficiently in that the industry would continually uses sexual images specifically to capture the attention of people, and now, teenagers and children have become the target audience thus becoming addicted to both the images and the brand. If we do not fight as equals, then feminism has no true hold on culture in any way. This, in actuality, is of a far greater impact on the lives of men and women, as well as boys and girls. The fact that these ads continue would tell us that feminism is losing its hold on the minds of many. Ads have a tendency to mold a generation, and the portrayal of men and women in suggestive or violent poses manages a platform for strong debate. References: Kilbourne, Jean; Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt: Advertising and Violence; Rereading America Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing 5th Edition; St. Martin’s Press 2001 Jan S. Wenner Editor and Publisher; Rolling Stone Magazine: 1290 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10104-0298 USA

Friday, October 18, 2019

Do you think that people should be allowed to do whatever they want as Essay

Do you think that people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it doesnt harm anyone else Why or why not What qualifies as harm - Essay Example alking totally nude in the public, he is not only casting bad impression on the passersby in general and the children in particular, but he is also inculcating many confusions and complications in the minds of the innocent children. He might seem to be causing no harm, but he is definitely instigating others to commit sin just by looking at him as watching others nude is classified as a sin in certain religions. Harm can be defined as offense. Offense may happen at any level which may or may not be overt to everybody. To make it simple, if an individual does something that can offend anyone in any way, he/she should not be allowed to do that. Critics might comment that by this definition, people doing even good should not be allowed because they offend the evil. To address this comment, we should use common sense to judge which actions are morally permissible and disallow those that do not fit on the moral

Exploratory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Exploratory - Essay Example Of course, it would be a misplaced conception to assume that these games are the same. What are the differences between the major gaming platforms, for instance the Wii and Playstation3? With the overwhelming market expansion, the most important question that lingers in many minds of course would be what exactly is driving the gaming console industry to its new levels of success witnessed in the recent past? I sought to find out by engaging merchandisers on one on one interviews, conducting a library research and consulting articles posted over the internet. The first thing I did to find information on this particular subject was to set up an interview with Mr. Jimmy Jonson, a Caltech undergraduate working on Kinect home applications based in Washington. â€Å"How do I get to know the best gaming platform that best suites me?† I asked. â€Å"There are numerous different types of computer gaming systems available for sale in the market currently and so choosing the right one that suit ones needs can indeed be a difficult process. As such, a potential buyer with interest should first outline the goals to be met before actually making the final decision to purchase.    Some of these goals include setting a price ceiling, the possibility of having the device playable to two or more people, ability to be able to play online, and the rating in the consumer market so as to be moving with the current technology, as opposed to using obsolete systems† (Jimmy Jonson, part 1). With major preferable gaming consoles to select and abundance of video games powered by different industries, it would be an experience of a kind should one decide to enter the world of video or computer gaming. The price tags, game genres, as well as the game consoles, there are simply so many options that one has to consider before officially launching a bid to secure one. And so to avoid the baggage of focusing on quite a huge number of the gaming

Civilization history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Civilization history - Essay Example How would her rule be different in the modern world? The term ‘absolutism’ indicates the absolute monarchical power enjoyed by the rulers during the 17th and 18th century. The main features of absolutism are the ending of feudal partitioning, consolidation of power with the monarch, increase in state power, unification of state laws, and a fall in the influence of Church and nobles on the rulers. Moreover, absolutism is marked by the existence of ideologies that justified the absolute power of monarchs. On the other hand, ‘constitutionalism’ refers to the principle that the government derives its power from the people; and hence, is limited by a body of fundamental laws. So, constitutionalism argues that government is not free to do anything as its power is limited. Instead, it is bound to follow the rules and procedures which are set out in the constitutional law of the community. According to Birn, one can say that while absolutism is based on the concept of the absolute power of the ruler, constitutionalis m believes in the balance of power between government power and the rights of people1. Absolutism in Europe tried to ensure order by developing both philosophical and secular ideologies that support the absolute power of the monarch. Some examples are the divine right theory of Bishop Jacques Bossuet (1627-1704) and the Leviathan from Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). The rulers took all the decisions in absolutism and all the decisions came from the ruler. Also, the ruler ensured control over religion and economy. Another important feature was the clear class distinctions. On the other hand, the methods adopted by constitutionalism were entirely different. As constitutionalism took birth, it replaced the absolute power policy by a rule by law. In addition, the concept of social contract arose as the very basis of government. Thus, the rules developed are the rules that are

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for European Pressure Reactor Research Proposal

Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for European Pressure Reactor (EPR) - Research Proposal Example From the assessment, it can be noted that the scope for the assessment included the external and internal hazards, sources of radioactivity, and operating states. Additionally, probabilistic safety assessment is a good design representation describer in the reactor submissions and there is evidence that informs the design development. The paper will present the outcomes of the assessment European Pressure Reactor. The assessment got its evidence from Submission Master List2. The approach was conducted to evaluate the principal submission and then took the evaluation of the pertinent documentation gotten from Submission Master List on basis of samples according to the Business Management System. The assessment principle was used as a foundation for the assessment. Finally, the assessment goal is to arrive an informed and independent judgment on the case of nuclear safety. During the assessment process various technical queries and regulatory observations was issued and feedback made by the AREVA and EDF assessed. Various items were agreed by the AREVA but regarded outside the timeline therefore, left out during the assessment.3 The assessment plan within the ND (Nuclear Directorate) was carried out in reference to the document of Business Management System. The document outline the assessment process within the Nuclear Directorate and highlights the process linked with case documentation of safety sampling. SAPs are used as a foundation for assessing PSA that is associated with EPR design. Ultimately, the aim of the assessment is to reach an informed and independent decision. The main criteria and standard used include the Safety Assessment Principles and the Numerical Targets that are pertinent to the document4. The evidence of the research will be interpreted and evaluated as an in depth implementation of the techniques and approaches and the parameters and data used in quantifying

The Rights of the Nonhuman World by Mary Anne Warren Assignment

The Rights of the Nonhuman World by Mary Anne Warren - Assignment Example Humans can experience humiliation and etc. in similar circumstances. The same thing is with a moral right on life: animal don’t suffer morally from ruined hopes, or long term plans, while humans do. 3. Firstly, despite being not fully capable of a moral behavior, nonparadigm humans still possess a potential or partial moral autonomy. Thus, humans respect their moral rights in order to keep an existing moral attitude (order) among human beings. Secondly, it’s simply hard to define a degree of a moral autonomy when it’s full, or when it’s partial for nonparadigm humans. 4. Nonsentient natural entities are a great part of natural environment on Earth. They influence life of other entities and thus, trees and mountains etc. have an intrinsic value for other entities. Yet that can’t be discussed in terms of moral rights because nonsentient entities aren’t capable of pain or satisfaction. 5. Both land ethic environmentalists and animal liberationists deny a homocentric view on moral rights. Warren says they complete, because they both are wrong. Land ethical environmentalists neglect a difference of â€Å"logical foundation† when discussing moral rights of nonsentient and sentient natural entities, while animal liberationists don’t see how different is content and strength of human and animals’ moral capacities (Warren

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Civilization history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Civilization history - Essay Example How would her rule be different in the modern world? The term ‘absolutism’ indicates the absolute monarchical power enjoyed by the rulers during the 17th and 18th century. The main features of absolutism are the ending of feudal partitioning, consolidation of power with the monarch, increase in state power, unification of state laws, and a fall in the influence of Church and nobles on the rulers. Moreover, absolutism is marked by the existence of ideologies that justified the absolute power of monarchs. On the other hand, ‘constitutionalism’ refers to the principle that the government derives its power from the people; and hence, is limited by a body of fundamental laws. So, constitutionalism argues that government is not free to do anything as its power is limited. Instead, it is bound to follow the rules and procedures which are set out in the constitutional law of the community. According to Birn, one can say that while absolutism is based on the concept of the absolute power of the ruler, constitutionalis m believes in the balance of power between government power and the rights of people1. Absolutism in Europe tried to ensure order by developing both philosophical and secular ideologies that support the absolute power of the monarch. Some examples are the divine right theory of Bishop Jacques Bossuet (1627-1704) and the Leviathan from Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). The rulers took all the decisions in absolutism and all the decisions came from the ruler. Also, the ruler ensured control over religion and economy. Another important feature was the clear class distinctions. On the other hand, the methods adopted by constitutionalism were entirely different. As constitutionalism took birth, it replaced the absolute power policy by a rule by law. In addition, the concept of social contract arose as the very basis of government. Thus, the rules developed are the rules that are

The Rights of the Nonhuman World by Mary Anne Warren Assignment

The Rights of the Nonhuman World by Mary Anne Warren - Assignment Example Humans can experience humiliation and etc. in similar circumstances. The same thing is with a moral right on life: animal don’t suffer morally from ruined hopes, or long term plans, while humans do. 3. Firstly, despite being not fully capable of a moral behavior, nonparadigm humans still possess a potential or partial moral autonomy. Thus, humans respect their moral rights in order to keep an existing moral attitude (order) among human beings. Secondly, it’s simply hard to define a degree of a moral autonomy when it’s full, or when it’s partial for nonparadigm humans. 4. Nonsentient natural entities are a great part of natural environment on Earth. They influence life of other entities and thus, trees and mountains etc. have an intrinsic value for other entities. Yet that can’t be discussed in terms of moral rights because nonsentient entities aren’t capable of pain or satisfaction. 5. Both land ethic environmentalists and animal liberationists deny a homocentric view on moral rights. Warren says they complete, because they both are wrong. Land ethical environmentalists neglect a difference of â€Å"logical foundation† when discussing moral rights of nonsentient and sentient natural entities, while animal liberationists don’t see how different is content and strength of human and animals’ moral capacities (Warren

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Gift of Magi Essay Example for Free

The Gift of Magi Essay Characteristics of Jim and Della Dillingham Della Dillingham young beautiful poor courage’s loving Della is James Dillingham’s wife in story. She is a young beautiful woman with beautiful long knee length hairs. She loves her husband most and always try’s to keep him happy, whenever her husband ‘jim’ came home she hugs him gently. When the story opens Della is counting money that she has saved to buy her husband a Christmas present and she starts crying after realizing how little she has to buy a good Christmas present for her husband. They were poor, after saving for whole month she could only save $ 1.87. They only possess two worthy things one is Della’s hair and other is Jim’s watch which is given to him by his father. After thinking for a while Della makes decision to cut and sell her hairs for money to buy a good Christmas present for her husband. This shows the courage’s nature of Della. She cuts of her hair and get $20 for them. With the money from her hair she buys a beautiful platinum watch chain for her husband. Later when jim came back home and sees della in short hairs he got stunned by her appearance, della then reminds him that her hairs will grow quickly again and she wants him happy,for it is Christmas eve, and she cut and sold her hairs because she could not face Christmas without a gift for him.This incidence of story shows her unconditional and unselfish love for her husband. James Dillingham Young Hard working serious poor loving Della’s husband Jim is a thin, serious young man, 22 years old. The author of the story has described Jim to the readers by comparing him with the platinum watch chain : was like him â€Å"quietness and value – the description applies to both† Jim is a hard working man , he never returns home before 7 o’clock .and is reliable also â€Å"jim was never late†. Jim’s most prized possession is the gold watch that has been handed over to him by his father and to his father from his grandfather. But jim clearly values his wife more than his watch because he sells it in order to buy a set of beautiful combs for her beautiful long hairs as a present for Christmas. This shows how much he loves his wife.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sita Tours And Travels Tourism Essay

Sita Tours And Travels Tourism Essay The Tourism Industry is a flourishing all over the world. The scenario of the tourism industry is ever changing; it is always in a state of flux. Tourism Industry in India is experiencing a high period of growth and has improved over the years however there is still a lot of scope for improvement and expansion. It is fast becoming an important player in the global market. It is also proven that tourism is the industry that contributes most to the Indian GDP, employment and foreign exchange reserves. The tourism industry proves to be the back-bone of other allied sectors for example, hospitality, transport, handicrafts, etc. According to WTTC, in 2011, India has been ranked 1st in direct contribution to employment through travel and tourism and 2nd in total contribution with monetary value of 24974900 jobs and 39351900 respectively. Also in terms of GDP, India ranks 11th in direct contribution and 12th in total contribution  [2]  . The Indian Government has invested a substantial amount in infrastructure development to promote tourism for the country after sensing the importance in the GDP contribution. This effort has been successful to an extent in increasing the arrival of foreigners in the last decade. The Incredible India campaign was also a contributing factor to the increase in tourism. The campaign helped create a colorful and diverse image of India in the minds of travel enthusiasts all over the world. It has directly led to an increase in the interest among tourists and created interest generally around the world. WTTC (World Travel and tourism Council) ranked India 4th  in terms of travel and tourism investment with a total of $ 26.7 billion  [3]  . Also (in Asia), after China, India stands second. In 2006, 4 million international tourists visited India and spent US $ 8.9 bn  [4]  . In 2011 (Jan-June), the total Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India was 2.92 million and foreign exchange revenues stood at US$ 78.11 billion which is up 14.2%  [5]  . As a matter of fact, in spite of a negative growth rate of -2.2% in 2008-09  [6]  , Foreign Tourist Arrivals increased considerably which registered a growth rate of 8.1% in 2009-10  [7]  , despite the world recession, Indian tourism showed a positive growth. According to World Travel and Tourism Council, India will be a tourism hot spot between the years 2009 -2018 which will show maximum growth rate during this period. Nowhere in the world is found, such a beauty, different and diversified climate, flora, fauna, religions, languages, dialects, dressing patterns, life style and rituals, like India.  [8]   Domestic tourism is also very huge in the GDP contribution in the country. There is still a lot of scope in promoting the tourism in many parts of the country. Since tourism is seasonal, it is slightly difficult for the Tourism Department, Government of India. It is Indias middle class that has promoted the tourism in the country. The increase in disposal income among this class of people has contributed to rise in tourism within the country. Consequently, they spend most of their disposable income on travelling. In 2009, there were 669.02 million domestic tourists which comprised about 18.8% of the total tourists in the country. The Indians going abroad is also increasing at a growth rate of 12.28 % per annum. Scope of Tourism According to the past trends, India has seen to contribute 0.5% to the global tourism industry. There is still a lot of scope for businesses to tap the market. India has a very diverse geography, culture, food, monuments and a rich past. The Incredible India campaign was promoted in order to attract various interests from tourists all over the globe in the varied types of tourism that has a scope for development and promotion. In recent times, Pilgrimage and Medical Tourism are one of the most popular among the foreign tourists. Medical tourism is currently growing at around 30% per annum. The other types of tourism are Adventure Tourism Leisure Tourism Eco Tourism Cultural Tourism Wildlife Tourism Highway Tourism Heritage Tourism Rail Tourism Rural Tourism An Indian Background chairman of the company, in 1956 established the first office in New Delhi, India. Company wanted to take the benefits of the religious beliefs attached with their companys name SITA in India. It is still associated with high quality and brand.   In 2000, Kuoni Travel Holding, a Switzerland based tourism firm acquired the 100 % stake of SITA World Travel India (Ltd.) and it became Indias largest travel company as Kuoni Travel India Ltd. Now, SITA World Travel is an Inbound Division of the Kuoni Travel India Ltd. And It is handling incoming international tourist to India from all over the world through a network of 30 offices in the region including associate offices in Sri Lanka and Nepal. SITA earned its reputation by giving world class services to its clients travelers, tour operators and the corporate houses. Also it has specialized itself by providing personalized service and close working relationship with its customers around the world. Factors which affect travel destination selection  [9]   Things to do and see Safety and security Overall image of the holiday destination Tourist facilities and infrastructure Ease of obtaining Visas SWOT Analysis Strength: Mass market product with small profit margin and economic of scale to create profit even though demographics and changing consumer trends Training academy Providing customized packaged tours Personalized customer support Online booking of packages Offices in major cities of India Weakness: People expectation has changed but their packaged tour has not changed Price of hotel is rising: no solution between cutting slim margin and rising price to customers Limited only to main destination spots, needs to cover more ground Proper feedback system not in place Opportunity: People go on holiday more than before Travelers want exotic destinations or short city breaks Increase in number of tourists because of upcoming sports event Government lending support as part of Incredible India campaign Increase in disposable income Threats: Heavy Price competition People wait till last minute for bargaining Rising hotel rates all over the world General economic slowdown and terrorist attacks Locally established travelling companies PEST Analysis Political The strongest reason of tourists visiting India is its rich and vast cultural heritage which is under the control of Archaeological Survey of India. So any changes in policy have a very major impact on the tourism industry. Political instability in many states also hinders the tourism opportunities. E.g. north east is still out of coverage of SITA travels because of this very reason. Although the government is now taking up various measures like stepping up vigilance in major tourist destinations in order to promote India as a safe tourist destination. Economic This industry thrives on the spending power of the people. The spending power is increasing in the country as well as all over the world. This increase in the spending power has left a good amount of idle cash in hand. This has led to a tourism boom and more and more people are now coming into the country with more cash and better affordability. Social Tourism is seen as something that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the social fabric. It is perceived that more the number of people travelling into a place, the more is the probability of the place to lose its identity. But apart from that people have now started perceiving tourism as a form of recreation. They are now more willing to go for packages like adventure tourism to Leh and Lakshadweep. Technology Although it is does not seem to be great factor but it plays a major role. Better technology has resulted in connecting many remote and unexplored areas. On the same terms online booking and transportation facilities provided by SITA travels have increased their number of clients. PORTERs Five Forces Model Threat of New Entrants As the search cost has been reduced due to the advent of internet it opens up the market for potential entrants, thereby increasing the possibility of a new company joining the market as the entry barrier has been reduced. Rivalry among Existing Firm within the Industry The major competitors of SITA Travels in India are Kesari Tours, Cox Kings India Ltd As the number of companies is increasing due to the advent of internet and the competition is increasing because of geographical expansion of markets and the reduction of entry barrier, thereby raising the rivalry and hence increasing the discount. Power of Supplier Entry barrier reduction and increased competition results in the increase of the power of supplier. Power of Buyer Reduction in switching costs has increased the bargaining power of the buyer. Price has become an important criterion as people now can compare products and gain knowledge about them. Threat of Substitutes Competitors offer similar type of products and services. Segmentation Tourism (Inbound and Outbound tourism) Segmentation types: Psychographic segmentation (Class), Behavioral segmentation (User status: First time, Regular, Potential). SITA is a large segment market addressing the customer needs of the international tourists. Targeting International Tourism: Initially tourists from USA are targeted, as SITA has stronger links with USA (Origin). Later they focused on other international markets like UK, Japan and Hong Kong. They have started a magazine called INDRAMA. This magazine portrays the rich tourist literature there by attracting foreign tourists to India). The idea of Heritage village further helped them to become a better tourism facilities provider. Inbound and outbound tourists are the tourist types of International tourism. Market growth of inbound and out bound tourists: Outbound market: The primary target market segment is out bound tourism. Overall Market: The total market size of the out bound tourism in 2010 is 12 million. It is expected to cross 20 million by 2015 and 50mn by 2020 (Source: UNWTO); more than 6.29 million tourists visited India in 2011. The total revenues of the out bound travel market is $14bn in 2010  [10]  . The Indian outbound travel market has grown from 3.7 million in 1997 to 9.8 million international departures in 2007; the pace of growth has accelerated since 2004 at an average annual growth rate of over 16%  [11]   Inbound market: Overall Market share: The total market size of inbound tourism is 6.18 million with a growth rate of 8.9%.The total revenues generated rounds off to US$ 16.691 billion. Competitive Intensity: The major competitors of SITA Travels in India are Kesari Tours, Cox Kings India Ltd which has more share than SITA while the others are Thomas Cook India Ltd, Karnataka State Tourism Development, Mercury Travels Ltd, Raj Travels Tours Ltd, D Pauls Travel Tours, Sachin Travels and Goa Tourism Development. High budget Customers: The program Affordable India targets the High budget segment tourists who come to Indian subcontinent. This program provides value added services to high budget travelers in order to customize destinations which were luxurious and affordable  [12]   Positioning strategies Indias first Leisure travel brand(Luxury segment) (Jan 2006) Tourist Safety with SITA (Mumbai) ( 2006) Indias Destination management service provider ( June 2006) Indias tourist destination for Business travel (Kuoni Business travel) (Feb 2007) Tourism education (Kuoni Academy) (May 2007) Young achievers Out learn , Outdoor school trips ( 2009-2010) Perfect moments with Kuoni (2011-2012). This program covers 3 packages The world is mine; Romantic escapes; undiscovered destination Uniform service :Accommodation, updating tourism infrastructure, travel related equipments same in all the offices to maintain uniform service Enpact ( 2011- 2012; Kuoni Academy: Pioneers to introduce a new teaching methodology Out of the ordinary tours for everyone (2012) ( Targeting individuals and small groups) Responsible tourism ( 2012) ( Thru CSR activities) Indian travel brand which is focused on the luxury segment, Incentive, Trade Fair tours and Sports Tourism Departments In order to meet the tourists demand of visiting various places, SITA has tie ups with local agencies. The services offered by the local agencies are meeting passengers on arrival/ departure, arranging local sightseeing and transport. SITA is maintaining a wide agency network to handle inbound and out bound tourism. The tourism department in SITA is divided in to two sectors as below: Inbound tours: This is the main foreign exchange earnings department of SITA. The marketing for this segment is done through various ways as below: Brochure Tours: Marketing in the form of brochures ( Tour plans in brochure) Tailor made tours: Customers design their tour Special interest tours: Organized by companies and other agencies Conferences and conventions: Arranging travel, registration facilities, accommodation arrangements, conference facilities, entertainment and leisure activities. Out bound tours: This is one of the fast growing tourism segment markets in India. Indians are the target customers in this segment. With an increase in the income level of the people, they are showing interest in visiting other countries. The tourist destination for the Indians is primarily USA and Europe  [13]   Indian out bound travel market is 3.7 mn in 1997. Currently it is 13mn (2011-2012) Estimated $28billion revenue in the year 2020. Fastest growing out bound market in the world in terms of numbers (After china) SITA Out bound tourism marketing Major sources of marketing are through brochures and advertisements in the newspapers Out bound division of SITA received TAAI travel award for 2011  [14]  . MARKETING MIX PRODUCT (Services Brand) While planning the market offering, SITAs marketers focused on five elements that constitute its customers value hierarchy: Core Products Destinations are the core products offered by any tour operator. Those offered by SITA are classified into: Inbound Leisure: SITAs major portion of foreign exchange is earned by this group. These destinations are designed to focus on leisure while travelling. Apart from must-do destinations these include tailored tours such as Cultural and Heritage Tours, Trekking and mountaineering Tours, Wildlife holidays, wellness and spa holidays, etc. Individual Travel: SITA has maintained an unparalleled expertise in customizing travel packages for foreign tourists or working professional expecting a well-tailored itinerary which optimizes their time and ensures that all arrangements are in order. Incentive Travel: Handled by: Distant Frontiers Designed for large companies to motivate or stimulate their employees Briefs are taken from each group, tailored to suit their needs and surpass their expectations by offering them special events planned exclusively for each travel group Post-trip follow-up approach to stay in touch with the customer and ensure a re-visit Main destinations include: India Nepal Sri Lanka Bhutan M.I.C.E.: Meetings Incentives Conferences Exhibitions SITA is a member of: The International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) a worldwide body that handles all types of International Meetings and Exhibitions The India Convention Promotion Bureau (ICPB) The Society of Incentive Travel Executives (SITE) Charters: Leading player in India with the largest number of charters to Goa and Trivandrum Handles leading charter operations from the UK, Germany, Russia, Poland, and various CIS countries. Cruises: Major players in Cochin, Chennai, Goa, and Mumbai Shore Excursions- Regular sight-seeing trips Overland Tours- Designed to explore the deep interiors of India Adventures: Camel Safaris, cycling, trekking, scuba-diving, rafting, biking, mountaineering holidays designed especially for intrepid travelers Basic Products Transport Ground transportation Flight reservations Train reservations Accommodation Culture cuisines Special arrangements- Like Womens Group, Senior Citizens Tours, etc Conferences and Events- In collaboration with MICE Ground assistance Meet Greet services Tour Guides Tour Escorts Expected Products These are impeccable services for corporate clients like: Seat availability  on needed time Accurate information Quick check-in for the senior management Information about various package and routes to a particular destination Efficient customer support system Augmented Products These are the products that distinguish SITA from others. These may include special facilities like Wi-Fi availability throughout the journey, tele-checking, laptops on request, customized meals, etc. Potential Products SITA plans to come-up with underwater tourism very soon. PLACE SITA has its own branches situated throughout India hence are easily accessible. The customer can either go to the Tour office or plan a tour online. Hence strategic locations are very important for SITA. North India: Agra, Delhi, Jaipur, Gurgaon, Varanasi, Udaipur South India: Bangalore, Chennai, Cochin, Trivandrum, Hyderabad West India: Mumbai, Goa PROMOTION The promotional strategies employed by SITA travels are: Advertising Publicity Sales promotions Personalized products such as Flight bags, wallets, Foreign Exchange and covers of passport, etc Word-of-mouth Promotion Credibility: The high magnitude of this is due to high credibility of SITAs channel, especially in the eyes of the potential tourists. Sensitivity: The qualities of services they promise are world-class and client-oriented Approach: The marketers keep their eyes open Æ’Â   identify the opinion leaders Æ’Â  Special facilities for them to keep stimulating and creating demand Personal Selling Exhibitions- State and national tour packages, cruises, holiday financing, hotels, educational excursions, etc E-Marketing Twitter LinkedIn- Facebook- CSR Activities- Responsible Tourism Spiti Initiative- To build a Solar Bath for a Buddhist nunnery in Spiti Child Protection- Carries out workshops to protect children in rural and semi-urban parts of the country. Also offers training to children in various educational fields. Literacy India Program- Has an independent paper recycling unit where women work to earn their living. Bihar Flood Relief- Using its transportation system, it worked closely with Goonj to dispatch necessities to the flood affected areas in Bihar Lets Go Green- Implemented across all offices through posters and Green Utility trays. Creative Alliance Network- promotes responsible tourism practices amongst the businesses that benefit from Rajasthans rich cultural environment. PEOPLE Employees Well versed with the latest technologies in travel management Well trained to handle difficult customers Extensive training programs- SITA Travel Tourism Academy Training on courses conducted by WATA, PATA High credence quality via Good work place design Job Design Other Customers Caters to customers from diverse backgrounds by offering First class, Deluxe, or Luxury preferences SITA Travels Online support Unique Tours and value-added services Personalized customer support Bibliography World Tourism Organization and the European Travel Commission. (2009). Retrieved from Indian Tourism Department. (2010). Retrieved from Kuoni. (2011, December). Retrieved from SITA World Tours. (2012, January 20). Retrieved from EconomyWatch. (2010, June 30). Economy Watch. Retrieved from Mol, A. (n.d.). Preserve Articles. Retrieved from Olivia Ruggles-Brise, E. A. (2012). World Travel Tourism Council. Retrieved from Prof. Manjula Chaudhary, D. S. (2011, August). Indian Institute of Tourism Travel Management. Retrieved from IITTM website: Reshma S Kulkarni, S. S. (2011, November 26). The Hindu. Retrieved from